
Featuring her new children's book, "My Best Friend Betsy," as well as her popular DVD series, "Improve Your Riding Through Movement," focusing on The Pelvis or The Upper Body. Buy BOTH at the same time and save!
CLICK HERE to go to the Jennifer Kotylo STORE

"A lifetime of bad postural habits, sitting behind a desk and ignored injuries had turned my body into a crooked, stiff mess. A mess that couldn't do what I loved to do – ride. I tried massage, acupuncture, and conventional medicine and they certainly helped, but it was Pilates and Balimo work that gave me my body back – a body that allowed me to ride again. In fact, these methods made such a significant impact on my riding that I committed myself to teaching others how they too could fulfill their riding dreams – be they learning to sit the trot or allowing your horse to be more expressive at the highest levels of equestrian sport. Let me help you realize your dreams..."